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Information on Yuhuan, Zhejiang Province

  • Location Located on the southeast coast of China near Shanghai, one of the largest cities of China
  • AreaLand: 378㎢; Territorial sea: approx. 1,900㎢
  • Population620,000
  • Regional characteristics Zhejiang is one of the 13 island provinces of China, comprised of 135 islands including Yuhuan Island
  • A county with abundant fisheries resources that is transitioning into an industrial-centered area Agriculture: Fruits incl. citron
    Industry: European-style furniture, eye-glasses components, automotive and machinery parts and components, etc.

Background Behind Friendship Formation

  • 2012.06.02. : The Mayor of Dangjin concludes a Letter of Intent (LOI) to form friendship with Yuhuan during his visit to China (Qingdao, Yuhuan and Luan).

Past Interchanges

HISTORYSince 2012~

  • 2016.02.25. A public servant from Dangjin is dispatched to Yuhuan (1 public servant for a year).
  • 2015.04.26. A delegation from Dangjin headed by the Mayor visits Yuhuan to host the Dangjin PR Exhibition and conclude a friendship agreement (Mayor and 22 other representatives).
  • 2015.04.15. A public servant from Yuhuan is dispatched to Dangjin (1 public servant for 6 months).
  • 2015.03.16. A delegation from Dangjin headed by the Deputy Mayor visits Yuhuan (Deputy Mayor and 5 other representatives).
  • 2015.02.24. A public servant from Dangjin is dispatched to Yuhuan (1 public servant for a year).
  • 2014.07.03. A youth group from Yuhuan visits Dangjin (2 guides and 10 students).
  • 2014.04.25. A public servant from Yuhuan is dispatched to Dangjin (1 public servant for 6 months).
  • 2014.04.01. Dangjin and Yuhuan signs an agreement on the dispatch and training of public servants.
  • 2013.08.03. A youth group from Dangjin visits Yuhuan (2 guides and 10 students).
  • 2013.03.25. A delegation from Dangjin headed by the Deputy Mayor visits Yuhuan (Deputy Mayor and 5 other representatives).
  • 2012.11.22. The Deputy County Executive of Yuhuan visits Dangjin (Deputy County Executive and 3 other representatives).
  • 2012.06.02. Dangjin and Yuhuan conclude a friendship and exchange agreement.
  • 2012.05.29. Dangjin and Yuhuan begin friendship exchanges (Mayor and 7 representatives).
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