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본문 시작

Geographic Location

대한민국의 인천,서울,경기도,강원도,충북,충남,대전,경북,전북,대구,울산,경남,부산,광주,전남,제주도 중 충청남도에 위치한 당진시 충청남도의 태안군,서산시,홍성군,예산군,아산시,천안시,연기군,공주시,보령시,청양군,부여군,서천군,논산시,금산군 그리고 최북단에 위치한 당진시

Dangjin is located in the northernmost part of Chungcheongnam-do Province. To the north, Songsan-myeon, Songak-eup and Seongmun-myeon are bordered by the West Sea and Asan Bay and are situated adjacent to Poseung-eup of Pyeongtaek and Ujeong-eup of Hwaseong. To the south, Hapdeok-eup is situated near Sinam-myeon of Yesan-gun, while Myeoncheon-myeon is situated near Godeok-myeon and Bongsan-myeon of Yesan-gun, and Jeongmi-myeon borders on Eumam-myeon and Unsan-myeon of Seosan. Dangjin has a unique geographic characteristic in that two-thirds of the area are located adjacent to the sea.

Geographic Location Mathematical location ,Relative location,Climatic location
Category Description
Mathematical location In terms of the four cardinal points, Dangjin is rectangular in shape with its west-east area being longer than its north-south area. It is located between 36°45′ ∼ 37°04′ north latitude and 126°25′∼ 126°51′ east longitude.
Relative location Dangjin (based on the location of Eumnae-dong) is102km from Seoul, 90km from Suwon, 50km from Pyeongtaek, 66km from Cheonan, 120km from Cheongju, 136km from Daejeon, 93km from Gongju, 42km from Hongseong, 25km from Seosan, 329km from Gangneung, 386km from Pohang, 430 from Busan and 326km from Mokpo.
Climatic location Dangjin is in the temperate monsoon and continental climate zones, just like the rest of Korea. Accordingly, Dangjin is said to have a mild climate, with four distinct seasons. It is affected by northwesterly seasonal winds in winter and by southwesterly seasonal winds in summer.
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