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Symbol Mark of Dangjin

당진시 심벌마크, 배색에 따라 같은색상 사용 가능
  • Of the city brand marks of Dangjin, the symbol mark embodies the energy, dynamism and enthusiasm of Dangjin, which is taking a giant leap toward the world stage. The rotating oval shape evoking a slab shows a glimpse of Dangjin as the Mecca of the Steel Industry and it symbolizes Dangjin as a city that is one with its citizens. The red color represents the sun and life, as well as the passion of Dangjin as an international city. The blue color, on the other hand, symbolizes the blue sea and trust, while the green color demonstrates Dangjin as an eco-friendly and nature-friendly city.

Symbolic Character of Dangjin

당진시 학 캐릭터(당학이) 이미지
  • The crane character embodies the characteristics of elegance, dignity and righteousness.
  • The refined image of the crane, shown to be looking up at the sky, demonstrates the hope and ideals of Dangjin.

Symbols of Dangjin

Official bird Crane
Official bird : Crane

The plains of Dangjin are known to be a sanctuary for cranes. Cranes, which are the official bird of Dangjin, symbolize limitless development and powerful progress.

Official tree Pine
Official tree : Pine

Pine trees demonstrate the evergreen spirit of Dangjin. The pine, which embodies vigor and energy, is a symbol of Dangjin.

Official flower Azalea
Official flower : Azalea

Azalea is a flower that can be observed
throughout the city of Dangjin. It is used as an ingredient of Dugyeonju, a local traditional alcoholic beverage, and symbolizes Dangjin as a city where filial piety is upheld.

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