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본문 시작

Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (China)


Central part of the Ningxia Plain in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in the center of mainland China




approx. 3,125,500

Regional characteristics

Main production area of ​​Chinese goji berries, center of Chinese railways, coal reserves (8th in the world)

Main Industries

Greenhouses, Horticulture and Vegetable Growing

Background Behind Friendship Formation

HISTORY Since 2016~
2016. 10. 30.

Winner of the Asian Cityscape Award (Bugnae Pilgrimage Route) *Visiting the host city, Euncheon City → Discussing exchange plans between Dangjin and Euncheon cities (agricultural and specialty products, tourism promotion, exchange of young entrepreneurs, etc.)

Past Interchanges

HISTORY Since 2016~
2023. 09.

Participation in the Euncheon International Friendship City Forum and the Dangjin City Visit to the China-Arab Countries Expo

2023. 05.

Lee Dong-bin, 3rd grade chief of Euncheon City Foreign Affairs Office, visits Dangjin City

2022. 08. 09.

Dangjin-si-Euncheon-si Friendship Exchange Agreement Signed

2016. 12. 22.

Signing of a letter of intent to establish international friendship city relations

2016. 12. 04. ~ 12. 06.

Dangjin City staff (international exchange, agriculture) visits Euncheon City to discuss exchange plans

2016. 10. 30.

Winner of the Asian Cityscape Award (Bugnae Pilgrimage Route) *Visiting the host city, Euncheon City

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