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본문 시작

Land + Ocean

Port of Dangjin, the center of the Pan-Yellow Sea era with the largest rate of increase in port traffic in the country

Legal name

Port of Dangjin·Pyeongtaek

Type of port

Class I Port (Trade Port)

Harbor limit

Seonggumi, Gagok-ri, Songsan-myeon, Dangjin-si ~ Southern part of Goon-ri, Ujeong-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do (water area of the harbor: 97.2㎢)

Sea route

distance - 30km, width – 0.4~1.0km, depth - 11~18m

Berthing Capacity

Berthing Capacity
Berthing Capacity
Port Number of berths Unloading capacity Note
Port of Dangjin·Pyeongtaek 65 85,235,000 tons Excl. Dangjin Power Station Pier
Port of Dangjin 34 61,170,000 tons Incl. Dangjin Power Station Pier

Ideal geographical location, being in the heart of Korea

  • Takes less than an hour to get to the Seoul National Capital Area and other major cities in Chungcheongnam-do Province
  • A massive consumer market with 29.5 million consumers within a 100km radius
  • A hub of Northeast Asia in the vicinity of massive international markets of China, Japan and Russia
  • Possible to cut logistics costs as it is the closest to the trade ports of China among the ports in Korea
    (Port of Dalian:482km, Port of Dandong: 454km, Port of Qingdao: 593km)
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