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Economy + Value

Godae Pier - Support for the high value-added industries through the steel cluster

철강클러스터 지원으로 고부가가치 산업지원 고대부두 이미지

Management Pier

Management Pier
Management Pier
Size 2 floating piers, berthing of 50 government and service vessels (200 tons or lower)
Operator Port and Logistics Division of the Pyeongtaek Regional Maritime Affairs and Port Office

Government Finance Pier (Zone 2)

Government Finance Pier (Zone 2)
Government Finance Pier (Zone 2)
Size 1 berth (50,000 tons)
Type of cargo handled General merchandise
Operator kukjesteel consortium


Size 6 berths (1 5,000-ton class, 3 50,000-ton class, 2 30,000-ton class)
Type of cargo handled Steel
Operator KG GNS

Dongkuk Steel Mill Pier

Dongkuk Steel Mill Pier
Dongkuk Steel Mill Pier
Size 1 berth (50,000 tons)
Type of cargo handled General merchandise
Operator Dangjin Port Tourism Organization

Government Finance Pier (Zone 1)

Government Finance Pier (Zone 1)
Government Finance Pier (Zone 1)
Size 1 berth (30,000 tons)
Type of cargo handled General merchandise
Operator Dangjin Port Tourism Organization

Dangjin Tank Terminal Pier

Dangjin Tank Terminal Pier
Dangjin Tank Terminal Pier
Size 1 berth (50,000 tons)
Type of cargo handled Liquids
Operator Dangjin Tank Terminal
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