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본문 시작

City policy principles
  • Citizen
  • On-site
  • Autonomy
    and Creativity
  • Practicality
    and balance
City goals
  • Citizen-Centered
  • Vibrant
    Dangjin Economy
  • Prosperous
    Rural Areas
  • Everyday Culture
    and Sports
  • Inclusive Education
    and Welfare
  • Livable Urban

Main Accomplishments

Main Accomplishments Main Accomplishments
Establishment of a long-term development plan for the old city center and traditional markets
  • Promotion of traditional markets
  • Promotion of commercial districts and response to changes in consumer needs
  • Long-term development of the commercial districts to respond to the population growth
  • Creation of streets of culture and the arts
Creation of a fund to stabilize the prices of agricultural and fisheries products
  • Creation of a foundation for stability in the agricultural and fisheries sector by ensuring the lowest production costs for farmers and fishermen as a means to reduce the economic burden that arises when the prices of agricultural and fisheries products plummet and by reinforcing the supply-and-demand control function
  • Amendment of the Ordinance on the Support for Lowest Agricultural Production Costs: Prepared the basis for creating a price stabilization fund in late December 2014
  • Creation of the Agricultural Product Stabilization Fund (Annual budget of KRW 5 billion)
Concentrated promotion of agricultural products for export
  • Discovery and promotion of high-quality agricultural products that are currently being exported or are deemed to be promising export products such as flowering plants, sweet pumpkin, Haenaru agricultural products, and fresh vegetables
  • Harvesting of crops and plants for export in connection with the establishment of a horticulture complex using the waste heat from the power station
  • Application for priority designation of the horticulture complex for the production of promising export products (flowering plants) – 2015
  • Creation of a horticulture complex dedicated to export using the waste heat recovery facility for the Dangjin Power Station (2017, with the Local Economy Division)
  • Provision of support through the production infrastructure tailored to various exported crops and plants
Creation of jobs for women and seniors
  • A one-stop employment support service to provide consultation, information, vocational training and employment arrangement services for job seekers
  • Creation of jobs tailored to women so that they can maintain a balance between their jobs and family life
  • Creation of market-type jobs as well as welfare-type jobs through the Nono-Care Program (“Seniors Taking Care of Other Seniors”)
  • Designation and operation of a senior club and operation of an organization dedicated to senior employment through the Senior Employment Support Center
Organization and operation of a self-government committee for each field
  • Discovery of measures that can be applied to diverse areas, instead of relying on the conventional policy-making consultations
    • Use of the measures throughout the city administration areas incl. policy planning, project implementation, establishment of services, etc.
    • Periodic committee meetings to receive proposals and provide counsel
  • Creation of a window through which policy proposals can be submitted at any time, reflection of the counseled and proposed matters in the policies, and continuous feedback
  • Creation of a database on the policy advisory matters to manage the content and use it as reference materials when making new policies
  • Preparation of a foundation (Step 1): Strengthening of the self-government capacity, preparation of institutional framework, and amendments to ordinances
  • Concentrated management (Step 2): Reinforcement of the organization manpower, administrative support, and examination of entrusted clerical work
  • Realization (Step 3): Ensuring citizen representativeness, assignment of responsibilities and authorities, and introduction of the resident participation budget system
Preparation of Comprehensive Measures to Prevent Indiscriminate Development
  • Need for measures to counter indiscriminate development and to ensure sustainable development by pursuing development and environmental conservation activities that conform to the long-term plans of Dangjin incl. the 2030 Dangjin Master Plan for Urban Development
  • Urban development projects to create conditions that make people want to settle and live in Dangjin
  • Minimization of damages and protection of the private property ownership rights by preparing measures to be implemented prior to giving an approval for development such as farm and factory construction
  • Strict law enforcement in relation to environmental conservation and small-scale, disorderly development
  • Operation of a taskforce team (TFT) for comprehensive prevention of uncontrolled development in relation to urban development, forests, environment and construction
  • Detailed reviews of related matters in the laws, ordinances, guidelines and judicial precedents, and preparation of alternative measures
  • Reviews of the comprehensive measures to prevent indiscriminate development during the business management diagnosis stage
Improvement of water quality of Sapgyoho Lake
  • Survey and monitoring of the health of the freshwater ecosystem and expansion of the ecological rivers and streams and wastewater treatment facilities
  • of environmental infrastructure incl. non-point pollution sources and livestock wastewater management facilities
    → Suggestion of early implementation of the integrated measures, at the government level, to reduce the pollutant loads on the 16 tributaries of the Sapgyocheon Stream as soon as possible
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