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Festivals of Dangjin Haenaru Hwangto Potato Festival

The Haenaru Hwangto Potato Festival is held to introduce the delicious hwangto (red clay) potatoes grown in Dangjin. So come and join us to engage in diverse experiences and taste the delectable potatoes!

Haenaru Hwangto Potato Festival

About Haenaru Hwangto Potato Festival

“Come to Dangjin · Songak, a major producer of hwangto potatoes”

Dangjin hwangto potatoes are one of the iconic crops produced in Dangjin, along with Haenaru rice. They are grown in red clay soil that is rich in organic matter against the sea breeze blowing in from the West Sea, which is why they are tasty and full of nutrients. With a high vitamin C content, Dangjin hwangto potatoes are known to help improve the skin, purify the blood, and promote blood flow into the capillaries, which in turn helps prevent illnesses. Dangjin hwangto potatoes, which have been sold through diverse sales channels, are famous for their delicious flavor and exceptional quality. We invite you to the Dangjin Hwangto Potato Festival, where you can taste fresh potatoes of the highest quality in the potato harvest season.

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